
远程学习 at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件

距离 & 在线学习
Syracuse, NY 13210
谷歌地图 & 方向
电话: 315 464-7913
传真: 315 464-7905
名称: 克里斯汀弗林特
电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)

Select courses and select degree programs are available via distance learning at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件.  距离 learning (DL) increases access to those courses and programs for students who face family, 工作, or distance constraints.

We utilize two primary delivery vehicles for distance learning:

  1. 在线学习 (OL): Online courses are delivered via BrightSpace, our Learning Management System. If you have access to the internet, you have access to your courses 24/7! [NOTE: you may also see we offer BL courses, which stands for Blended Learning.  This means you still have some face-to-face (f2f) class meetings during the term, but some weeks you will meet online.  Hence it is a blended (BL) course using both traditional f2f meetings and online meetings.]
  2. Interactive Conferencing (IC): Students meet at the same time, but in different locations for didactic (lecture based) classes. Our video conferencing technologies allow for classroom delivery and desktop delivery, based on faculty preference.

When you are registering for courses, use this glossary to our section codes help you determine which delivery method is being utilized.

With the example of an English course, this is how we code sections:

  • ENGL325-001: The 001 means this is a face-to-face (f2f) course
  • ENGL325-OL1: This section is entirely online (OL); no f2f classes
  • ENGL325-BL1: This section is blended (both f2f AND OL meetings)
  • ENGL325-IC1: Meets f2f via interactive conferencing in different places