
研究数据规划 & 分享

研究数据规划 & 分享

We are working with 研究 Administration's Office of Sponsored Programs to provide support 和 assistance relative to the new NIH数据共享政策 that went into effect on January 23, 2023.  

机构分摊额 is supported by 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 和 may be used (for all but very large data If a disciplinary repository is not available.

DMPTool.org, (Data Management Plan Tool) is recommended for the development of data management 和 sharing plans. It is a free, web-based platform that will walk you through the creation of a data sharing plan. Customized templates are built-in for most funders, 和 guidance is available from 推荐最近最火的赌博软件, funders 和 other organizations. Create an account with your 推荐最近最火的赌博软件.Edu帐户开始.


推荐最近最火的赌博软件 DMPTool用户指南

Integrated 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 user help

Guidance 和 example responses specific to 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 to the NIH-GEN DMSP (2023) template in the sections for Data Preservation, Access, 和 Associated Timelines 和 Oversight of Data Management 和 分享. Guidance will be seen in the right h和 column of when in the 写计划 选项卡. If you cannot see it, go to the 项目详细信息 选项卡 where you may search for 和 add it. Example answers will appear below the DMPTool 和 NIH examples.

Help from other Institutions

Weill Cornell Medicine 图书馆Cornell University 研究 Data Management 服务 Group provide helpful, easy to use help pages. 这也是 强烈推荐 that the Weill Cornell Medicine guidance be activated in DMPTool on the 项目详细信息 选项卡.


 的re are seven 选项卡s, 和 12 questions in the 写计划 选项卡. Not all fields are required. 的 NIH prefers that data management 和 sharing plans do not exceed two pages.

 在 项目详细信息 选项卡 only the project title is required.  DMPTool recommends that this title match the grant title.

 合作者 may be added 和 assigned one of three levels of access:

  • Co-owners have the same functionality as the plan creator.
  • Editors may edit 和 comment.
  • Read only collaborators can comment only.

写计划 is where the bulk of the work will be done.

  • Not all questions require an answer, but the more questions answered, the better.
  • Access, Distribution, or Reuse Considerationssection may be skipped entirely if you data does not involve human subject research (privacy 和 confidentiality issues, 等.)  intellectual property, 等..
  • 的 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 sample answers described above may be copied, pasted, 和 edited to meet your plan needs.

 研究成果 不是必需的.

 请求的反馈 不是必需的, but if you would like your plan reviewed, clicking the “Request feedback” button will email a DMPTool Administrator.

完成 选项卡 allows you to set the plan visibility to private, organization, or public. You may also obtain a DMP ID for your plan, but it 不是必需的.

下载 选项卡, it is recommended that you use .docx if the body of the plan will be copied 和 pasted elsewhere.  的 optional plan components recommended are 节标题问题文本 to provide context if edits are needed later.

Under the forthcoming NIH policy, data may be shared in any repository that have the characteristics outlined on the NIH Desirable Characteristics for All Data Repositories 网页. NIH supported repositories are available at:

Other data repository resources

Additional repository suggestions:

American Heart Association Approved Repositories

Suggested Data Repositories (NIDDK)

夏尔巴人朱丽叶 - funder policy lookup by organization

Select publisher policies 和 guidance:

Some journals will sponsor or pay the data repository fee for select repositories.  See the author guidance pages for the journal in which you are publishing to determine if this is an option.