

Are you a tech-savvy undergraduate or graduate college student looking to gain hands-on experience in the information technology career field? The 上州医科大学 信息管理 and 技术 Student Worker Assistance Team (SWAT) program provides a unique opportunity for students seeking a specialized internship to gain vital job experience and knowledge.


Here is what you can expect to gain by working with us during your internship:


  • 提升你的简历: 在你的简历上写一段实习经历会改变游戏规则. It shows future employers that you're serious about your career and can give you a competitive advantage in the job hunt. 一旦你开始找工作, you’ll very quickly learn that the year(s) of experience you’ve gained while in college will set you apart from your peers as many entry-level positions require a certain amount of previous work experience.
  • 行业的见解: You'll learn things about the IT career industry that you won't find in any textbook, 喜欢行业趋势, 公司文化, 以及资讯科技部门的日常运作. This firsthand exposure can help you make more informed decisions about your future career goals and interests.
  • 现实生活中学习: 实习就像你进入职场的后台通行证. You get to apply what you've learned in the classroom to actual work situations. This practical exposure allows you to apply what you’ve learned in your college courses to actual workplace situations - bridging the gap between academic learning and practical application.

网络 & 指导:

  • 认识一下优点: You'll make friends in high places – professionals who've been there, done that. Adding these connections to your network can be a huge help when you're looking for a job or some career advice. If you do well during your internship, you'll have some solid references for future job applications.
  • 大量的指导: We are fully invested in ensuring that you gain practical and relevant experience during your time with us. Your supervisor and team understand why guidance and advice from experienced professionals will help prepare you to navigate the complexities of the workplace.

增长 & 信心:

  • 技能提升: 把实习看作是技能训练营. 你会学到很多实用的东西——你所在领域的技术技能, 行业专用的工具和软件, 还有非常重要的软技能,比如沟通, 团队合作, 时间管理.
  • 职业试驾实习就像是对不同职业的试驾. 你可以窥探不同工作的日常生活, 帮助你找出你喜欢(或不喜欢)的领域.
  • 个人成长: Internships are not just about professional growth – you'll grow as a person too. You'll build confidence by having opportunities to tackle real challenges and contribute to meaningful projects.



  1. 个人、部门分配实习: 在与你的职业兴趣相一致的部门工作.
  2. 特种部队: Team of students working together to tackle larger interdepartmental projects.


Individual departments within the IMT department can request a student worker to assist their team throughout the year. If you are looking to gain valuable experience in a specific area that aligns with your career interest, 这个实习选择可能最适合你.


The SWAT team model will expose students to a well-rounded view of the internal workings of an innovative IT department. If you enjoy working on a team and want to be exposed to various projects to help you decide what aspect of IT interests you the most, 这次实习机会对你来说是一个很好的机会.


时间的承诺:  我们希望SWAT项目团队成员每周至少工作5-10小时. 这意味着,平均每天一到两个小时.  学生每周只能上29个小时的课. 学生应该履行这一承诺, though hours can be concentrated during a particular part of the week to avoid conflict with class work. 

团队合作: 在IMT团队经理的监督下, 项目团队将在很大程度上自我管理分配的项目直至完成. We expect students to be dedicated to the project at hand as well as to their fellow teammates. Weekly status meetings with the IMT Team Manager will occur to ensure project progression is tracking and provide the opportunity for the team to raise issues/questions. The IMT Team Manager will be fully engaged in responding to questions/concerns as they come up outside of dedicated meeting times.

预期: SWAT小组成员必须参加小组会议, as well as meetings with the project client and IMT Team Manager when team members are expected. We expect project team members to prioritize project work as second only to class work or military duties.

补偿:  特警队成员是上州医科大学的有偿职位. Students will also gain valuable experience working on real projects that can be listed as real work experience on their resume.  SWAT team members will hold the title of Student Assistant at 上州医科大学, and 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 will verify this employment for future employer background checks.


主动/注册入学学生:  Students must be matriculated into a degree program at a local University with active status in order to become and maintain a status as a member of the IMT SWAT program. 我们将接受研究生和本科生的申请. Our focus will be on applicants who we determine will benefit the most from this opportunity for their future career goals/academic interests.




  • 申请地点: Job postings for Student Assistant positions within the 信息管理 and 技术 team at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 are available on the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件职业页面.
  • 应用程序时间轴: 通常, teams are formed at the beginning of the academic semester with the goal of completing a project within the timeframe of one semester, 尽管有些项目可能会超出这个时间范围. 然而, we accept student applications year-round to meet the arising needs of new projects. 有些时间段/项目需要更多的学生, 但是申请没有截止日期. 当任何项目团队开放时,我们将保留所有申请以供审查. 
  • 项目团队的选择: 我们的团队是按需配备人员的. 因此,在你申请的时候,我们可能没有团队空缺.  然而, 所有申请都会被审核, and students are placed on project teams based upon their interests and qualifications.  一些项目团队角色将需要在某些领域的经验.  其他角色可以更通用, or they can be for students with little or no experience in a particular area.  We try to mix students with more or less experience in order to establish a peer learning environment.  学生们要面试项目团队的职位.