Man at computer in high tech health care setting

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We drive innovation and discovery by implementing and supporting reliable technology to meet the vast needs of our institution. With patient care at the forefront of every initiative, we deploy cutting edge technology to support our four colleges, biomedical research enterprise, three hospital sites, and extensive clinical network covering 17 counties.
Mark Zeman, 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 CIO


I can't think of a better purpose than fulfilling 推荐最近最火的赌博软件's mission to care for and heal people. I can't think of a better job than the one I have: it combines my passion for innovation, technology and serving my community...

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  • 德国Drulyk
  • Tresha Knight-Small
  • 萨拉·巴斯
A graphic of New York State with roads shown in hi-tech fashion
We love candidates with an array of backgrounds and experience. Whether you are an Epic analyst, 数据架构师, specialize in cyber security, or have a passion for developing and delivering, join us as we change the landscape of traditional tech development.