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技术 Requirements

What kind of computer do I need?

A: A desktop or laptop that meets these minimum computer requirements.

What kind of Software do I need?

A: Microsoft Office (you can download Office 365 for free as an 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 student!)

What other hardware might I need in addition to a computer?

A: Programs using webinar software may expect you to have a 耳机 that can be used for interaction.  在一般情况下, having a Logitech Headset with built in microphone and comfort ear pads, USB plug in and outfitted for both Windows and OS systems are best.  You may check with the Distance Learning office for specifics.

What Browser Should I Use?

A: Brightspace将 效果最好 with the latest versions of Firefox and Chrome on computers and mobile devices. Edge and Safari browsers can be used,  but there are cautions based on the version of the browser and the operating system being run on your computer and/or mobile device.

阅读更多关于 Browser Support for Brightspace.

If you want to check out your computer (the one you are sitting at right now) to see if it is configured with the software you need for Brightspace and this course, check your computer system for compatibility with Brightspace.


Some courses require certain hardware (e.g. 耳机  & microphone) or software (e.g. SPSS); some require certain apps. Each course will specify the requirements.

For Technical Support or Questions:

Please contact the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Distance Learning Office or the SUNY 帮助台. 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 for more information.