

The following are some ideas for walks around the Universities’ downtown and Community campuses. 每个人都应该时刻把安全放在心上. Be mindful of lighting, traffic, crosswalk signals and your own safety. 我们建议你和朋友或一群人一起走. We recommend tracking your activity using a method that works best for you.


Mighty Mile(户外)- 1英里

在社区校园步行一英里. 注意车辆,因为这是一个停车场. 下载地图 .


这条小径于5月5日被标记并开放, 2014 along with SU Learner Center Help and the cooperation of Van Dyne. 这是一个美丽的散步,所有人都可以享受! 查看地图

屋顶上(室外)- 1英里

这条步道有一些斜坡,景色优美. You can also add intensity on this walk should you want to by walking a flight of stairs in between your perimeter loops. 到停车场的顶楼去. 四处走走. When you get to the start of the 4th floor, turn around and go back up. 从头到尾, around the inside and outside perimeter of the roof is 1230 feet, 5280英尺每英里4-5圈= 1英里.

绕行路线(室内)- 0.5英里

从鱼缸旁的员工健康办公室开始. Head towards the restrooms and make a right down the hallway. 向左转 onto the hallway toward main hospital (opposite Diagnostic). When you get to elevators at end of hallway take a right, 然后左转, 然后左转(绕过电梯).) Turn right down hallway toward one-day surgery, through door. Go left down the Administration hallway and take the stairway on the left down to lower level and take a right towards the Switchboard. Then take the stairwell on the lefthand side back up to the first floor and 向左转 (towards ER), 向左转, 然后沿着走廊走到诊断室. 在走廊尽头, go left (towards radiology) then take a right and quick right (POB-North elevators) Skip elevators and take stairway to 2nd floor. 左走2楼走廊到楼梯. Take stairs up to 4th floor, and then go down hallway on 4th floor to stairs on right. Take stairs down to 2nd floor, take a right to bridge and cross to POB-South. 右转下坡道, 进入POB-South, 沿着走廊走到尽头, 下楼, 沿着走廊走到尽头(经过泉源). You will end up on first floor POB, keep going straight, enter diagnostic center. 你又回到了你在员工健康中心的起点. 如果有时间,重复一遍.


避开穿梭路线- 0.5英里

从雅各布森大厅前开始. 向北去哈里森. 对哈里森说. 十字路口克劳斯向北. 直接去锡拉丘兹舞台. 交叉杰纳西. 在Genesee向左(向西). 右至惠灵顿广场. 查看地图.

走廊徒步路线(室内)- 0.15英里

Facing the gold elevators in the first floor main lobby, turn right and go through the double doors. 沿着南走廊走. 通过停车场办公室和物理植物商店. 向左转. 进入韦斯科滕大厅的电梯大厅. 选择:电梯或楼梯. Once on the second floor, take the door way on the far left. Go North down the hallway past all the lockers towards the double doors. 向左转 almost at end and go into the 2nd floor lobby outside of the cafeteria. 右转再左转到楼梯间. Go downstairs using the stairs opposite the elevators and repeat loop.
每次循环平均时间3-5分钟. 下载地图 .


按照上面的路线开始. Instead of going downstairs at elevator lobby go past cafeteria lobby to the garage via the bridge, turn around go back thru bridge down the stair to the hospital lobby. 距离约1590英尺(每英里5280英尺). 见上图.


From the door at the end of the connecting tunnel to WH go left and up 1 flight of stairs. 向左转 out of the stair well and left again going through the double doors in to the old part of Weiskotten Hall. Turn right at the corridor and then right again at the end and back through the double doors in to the Weiskotten Addition. Right once again and down the hall to your starting point at the stairwell. This loop can be combined with the hospital hallway hike by taking the Weiskotten elevators (or stairs) for added variety and distance.

做圆顶(室内和室外)- 0.6英里

从韦斯科顿大厅开始,右转到欧文大道. 向南走3个街区. 在欧文大道和雷诺大道处左转. 上楼去. 进入B门的圆顶酒吧. Once inside the Dome, circle the around on the main concourse level. 从韦斯科滕到Dome的距离是0.3英里. 环绕穹顶的距离,0.3英里.

北上到艾佛森(户外)- 0.单程45英里

Travel up Elizabeth Blackwell or Sarah Loguen heading North until you get to Harrison Street. 在哈里森街左转,穿过人行横道. 沿着哈里森街一直走到博物馆. 艾弗森

人类表现研究所(室内)- 1英里以上

There is an indoor track at the IHP building on the second floor. Employees may use the outer lanes (so you do not interrupt patient activity) of this track for walking any time the IHP building is open. Running is permitted only when PT or Vitality are not in session. IHP is locked after 6:30 pm unless you have building access. IHP在周末被锁定. 仅限清洁球鞋. 在内道上跑14圈等于1英里.

CAB -校园活动大楼(户外)

There is a track outlined around the tennis courts on the Harrison Street side of the CAB. 12 times arougn the track outside of the tennis cours equals one mile.


从韦斯科顿大厅前的欧文大道标志开始. 沿着欧文街往北走,到亚当斯大街. 在亚当斯大街左转. 在伊丽莎白布莱克威尔街右转. 左转到哈里森街. 左转到阿尔蒙街. 向左转到E路. 亚当斯圣. 右转进入欧文大道. 回到欧文大道,在白宫门前. You may start the route anywhere you like as it is a loop. 请到 healthymonday.湖浆.edu 在城市周围的其他一英里圈. 查看地图.

在屋顶上! (户外)- 1英里以上

为什么不从医院走过桥呢, walk up 3 flights and enjoy a walk around the 5th floor of the East parking garage? 试着走到外围. 5-6圈是一英里. 汽车有时会经过那里,所以请小心. 欣赏风景! If it rains, you can always go one floor down to walk or use the stairs.

在山上(户外)- 1.1英里

Start on Irving Ave outside of Weiskotten Hall, use the crosswalk to cross Irving Ave at Waverly Ave. 走5个街区. 在奥斯特罗姆大街右转. 过一个街区到大学大街. 你已经变成0了.到这里还有7英里. You may stop and smell the roses at the Rose Garden at Thornden Park. To return you can go down University Place, through the SU campus, until you get back to Irving Ave. Turn right and Weiskotten Hall will be after the VA Hospital. 另一个选择, 返回时走奥斯特罗姆向北到马歇尔街, turn left and go down Marshall and take in all the activity. 查看地图.

UHCC/日内瓦/550 Mile Walk! (户外)- 1.1英里

从UHCC的台阶开始的小径. 1.1英里. From steps of UHCC travel north on South Townsend Street up to McCarthy Street. 穿过信号到麦卡锡街. Take a left at the end of McCarthy Street heading south on South State Street. Turn right on to East Jefferson Street and go left heading south on Montgomery Street. 沿着蒙哥马利街走,然后在亚当斯街左转. Travel on Adams until you make a left back onto South Townsend Street. Stay on the left and go back up to Harrison to cross with the cross walk lights and you are back at Geneva Towers/UHCC! 如果你是初学者, you can turn back on South State Street or on Harrison Ave until you build up to one mile. 查看地图.

臀小肌(户外)- 1.20英里

从医院圆环走到东亚当斯街. 向右转,沿着亚当斯街上山. Cross over Irving Ave, Crouse, University, Walnut Place, Walnut Ave and Comstock. Just a little further and you reach the top of the hill at Ostrom. 掉头走下山去医院. 欣赏风景! 查看地图.


路线 距离
坐出租车到韦斯科顿大厅再回来 0.5英里
CAB到Dome(雷诺大道),然后返回 1.0英里
去哈钦斯街区的出租车,来回三趟 1.5英里
CAB到SHAW (SU)宿舍 2.0英里
CAB到Manley Field House 3.5英里