  • 基辅的泌尿科医生团队包括, 从左, 乌克兰记者Artem Kobirnichenko报道, 墨西哥的Damián López, 纽约州推荐最近最火的赌博软件的德米特里·尼古拉夫斯基报道, Poland's Maciej Oszczudlowski and 推荐最近最火的赌博软件's Gennady Bratslavsky.
    基辅的泌尿科医生团队包括, 从左, 乌克兰记者Artem Kobirnichenko报道, 墨西哥的Damián López, 纽约州推荐最近最火的赌博软件的德米特里·尼古拉夫斯基报道, Poland's Maciej Oszczudlowski and 推荐最近最火的赌博软件's Gennady Bratslavsky.
  • 在火车上吃点东西, 从左, Nikolavsky, Oszczudlowski, López和Bratslavsky.
    在火车上吃点东西, 从左, Nikolavsky, Oszczudlowski, López和Bratslavsky.
  • 在基辅给一名受伤的士兵做手术.
  • Displayed in Kyiv: captured Russian war materiel, 其中一些带有反普京的涂鸦, a bullet-ridden civilian train car and automobile used by Ukrainians fleeing the fighting.
    Displayed in Kyiv: captured Russian war materiel, 其中一些带有反普京的涂鸦, a bullet-ridden civilian train car and automobile used by Ukrainians fleeing the fighting.
  • A ceremony in central Irpin marking the 乌克兰1991 Foundation’s donations of pickup trucks and other groups’ gifts. Bratslavsky, fifth from right, holds a Syracuse city flag.
    A ceremony in central Irpin marking the 乌克兰1991 Foundation’s donations of pickup trucks and other groups’ gifts. Bratslavsky, fifth from right, holds a Syracuse city flag.
  • The urologists visited nearby Bucha before leaving 乌克兰. From 左, López, Oszczudlowski, Bratslavsky and Nikolavsky.
    The urologists visited nearby Bucha before leaving 乌克兰. From 左, López, Oszczudlowski, Bratslavsky and Nikolavsky.
  • The team was presented with flags of 乌克兰, the U.S.美国、以色列、波兰和墨西哥. Nikolavsky is at 左, Bratslavsky fourth 从左.  The Ukrainian flags were signed by patients and a Ukrainian general.
    The team was presented with flags of 乌克兰, the U.S.美国、以色列、波兰和墨西哥. Nikolavsky is at 左, Bratslavsky fourth 从左. The Ukrainian flags were signed by patients and a Ukrainian general.
  • Nikolavsky, center, with Ukrainian military urologists Volodymyr Bondarchuk, 左, 和阿提姆·科比尼琴科, 当他们8月份来到上州进行训练时.
    Nikolavsky, center, with Ukrainian military urologists Volodymyr Bondarchuk, 左, 和阿提姆·科比尼琴科, 当他们8月份来到上州进行训练时.
  • 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 urology department staff members show the "We Stand With 乌克兰" T-shirts they designed and are selling to raise funds for the 乌克兰1991 Foundation.
    推荐最近最火的赌博软件 urology department staff members show the "We Stand With 乌克兰" T-shirts they designed and are selling to raise funds for the 乌克兰1991 Foundation.

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 urologists treat injured Ukrainian soldiers





Two Ukrainian-born urologists from 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 recently traveled on a surgical mission to Kyiv, 乌克兰, to help soldiers injured in that country’s war with Russia. 

泌尿外科主任 Gennady Bratslavsky, MD, 德米特里·尼古拉夫斯基医学博士; director of reconstructive urology, were accompanied by urologists from Mexico and Poland.

The surgeons operated on 13 soldiers over four days. They experienced constant air raid sirens and a strict curfew. 当来访的外科医生离开时, the Ukrainian medical team presented them with flags autographed by the patients and by a top general in 乌克兰. One of the flags now hangs in the urology office at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件

特派团的安排于5月开始, when Bratslavsky learned of a military urologist in 乌克兰 who was in search of reconstructive expertise. Several soldiers had severe injuries in the abdomen and groin area. 8月, a pair of Ukrainian urologists traveled to Syracuse, so Nikolavsky could teach them some of his techniques, which sometimes includes transplanting tissue from the patient’s mouth to the damaged urethra.

当泌尿科医生回到战区, they kept in close touch with Nikolavsky as they operated. 但他们的一些病人有大面积的伤口, the surgeons implored Nikolavsky to travel to their hospital in Kyiv to help the soldiers. 在他们受伤几个月后, 许多人仍在插管, or connected to tubes that allowed urine to drain from their bodies. 

“It’s an extremely poor lifestyle, debilitating,” Nikolavsky said of the condition. His goal was to make repairs that would allow the men to urinate without tubes or catheters. “None of the things we did are lifesaving, but they return dignity, I hope, they return function.”

The four surgeons made plans to arrive in early December. Nikolavsky and Bratslavsky met Mexican urologist Damián López, MD, 以及波兰泌尿科医生Maciej Oszczudlowski, MD, in Poland and took a lengthy train ride across the border to Kyiv. Bratslavsky grew up in Kyiv, the nation’s capital. Nikolavsky is from Odesa, on the Black Sea coast, about a six-hour drive from Kyiv.

They stayed in a hotel next to the hospital where they would work. 商店和餐馆都开门营业, people went about their days despite the frequent sirens and the signs of military activity in the streets, Nikolavsky回忆.

In an interview for 推荐最近最火的赌博软件’s “The Informed Patient” podcast, he describes the metal pieces of fortification on the sides of roads and the military vehicles they saw. 

在基辅做完手术后, they visited the nearby cities of Bucha and Irpin, which became Syracuse’s “sister city” last April when Irpin Mayor Oleksandr Markushyn visited Syracuse and signed an agreement with Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh. Nikolavsky says signs of the extensive destruction were hard to find because the Ukrainians have almost completely rebuilt over the last 18 months. 

“They took huge pride in the fact that anytime something explodes, 即使是现在, a drone or a bomb anywhere that destroys the building or windows or asphalt, 他们立即清理干净, 铺上沥青, 油漆, 植物的花, 把窗户放回去, 重建它,他说.

Days after the Russian invasion in February 2022, 布拉茨拉夫斯基创建了一个非营利基金会, 哪一个可以在 ukraine1991.org. Money raised so far has gone to purchase medical equipment and supplies, ambulances and trucks to help the people of 乌克兰. Now he’s hoping to raise money for three specific items the urology team needs: stirrups that help secure patients during surgery, mechanical pneumatic massagers that help prevent blood clots, attachments for a specialized surgical retractor.

Nikolavsky and Bratslavsky are in contact with the military urologists about the patients they operated on, 加上潜在的未来患者. Because so many soldiers need their help, they plan to return.